The L.D. Institute of Indology has great pleasure in publishing SlokavārtikaA Study by Dr. K. K. Dixit. His aim in this study is to present a criticoanalytical summary of the text.
In Chapter I Dr. Dixit tries to correct our general impression that Mimämsä is concerned with rituals only and bas very little to contribute to Indian Philosophy. As a matter of fact, the Mimāṁsaka followers of Kumärila and Prabhā. kara have contributed gems to the treasure-house of Indian Philosophy'. Then he analyses the subject-matter of the Slokavārtika of Kumärila and rearranges topics discussed in the text. Chapters II and III are devoted to the treatment of six ways of knowing (Pramāņas). All the important and crucial problems portaining to each pramäņa are critically explained and examined. Chapter IV refutes the Buddhist idealism and Chapter V expounds the Mināmsă conception of soul. This shows that the work deals with all the main problems of Indian Philosophy, We aro grateful to Dr. Dixit for this illuminating work.
It is hoped that the publication of this work will be of considerable value to the students of Indian Philosophy.
L. D. Lastitute of Indology Ahmedabad-9 15th December 1982
Nagin J. Shab
Jain Education International
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