those buxom breasts of hers are (so remarkably) different; that lotus-like face of hers is (so) unique(ly beautiful); and unusually lovely are her tresses--- probably, that Creator too is likely to be different who moulded such a shapely maiden, so lovely and accomplished. (lit. a store-house of virtues and beauty ').” ___ Here प्राउ is an adesa of प्रायः .
The metre is 27 of 21 mātrās, with a front () at the end of the caraṇa. According to Hemchandra the yati appears to fall after 12 mātrās.
(2) srt: giftai 34f9 ifra: da Hutt sportal
__ अक्षये निरामये परमपदे अद्यापि लयं न लभन्ते ॥
“ Perhaps, the ascetics are misled, for (though) they are constantly) counting their beads, they have not been able to merge their consciousness in the Eternal, Changeless, Highest Self even now".
Here प्राइव is the adesa of प्रायः .
Pischel has been intrigued by this verse. He rendered it as :
“Even the holy ones very often are deceived so that they treasure very inuch jewels - earthly goods. They still do not come into that eternal, diseaseless, highest place (place of redemption)."
Alsdorf rightly points out that #forzitt does not mean jewels ', but rosary beads'. The meaning is that the ascetics mechanically say their prayers and exhaust themselves in outward things. 1
(1) 39950a : staf: Afe 799Titi tr a ta de straat oa: factory and RH ( = ) 10
Alsdorf, Apabhramsa Studien, p. 86.
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