• (102)
_ In the foregoing vs. in पावीसु ( 1 प्राप् ) does not change to a, and in 34 # does not change to at. (5) पश्य कर्णिकारः प्रफुल्लितः काञ्चनकान्तिप्रकाशः।
गौरीवदनविनिर्जितः ननु सेवते वनवासम् ॥ “ See the Karnikāra plant (Mod. Guj. करेण) in full blossom, radiating golden splendour (all around). Eclipsedi by the beauty of the lovely face of the maiden it has resorted to the forest."
Here in कणिआरु and पयासु (< प्रकाशः) क has not changed . to ग, while in पफुल्लिअउ फ has not changed to भ.
397. 'म'-स्य अनुनासिकः 'वः' वा (भवति)।
In Apabhramsa non-initial non-conjunct म changes optionally to nasalised व (written as म्व or +). Illustrations : कम्वल । कमलु । (= कमलम् )
भम्वरु । भमरु । (= भ्रमरः) This change occurs even in derived words (लाक्षणिकस्य) (which have already undergone phonetic change during their transmission from OIA to MIA). e. g.
जिम्व । तिम्व । (= यथा, तथा) जेम्व । तेम्व । (= यथा, तथा)
जाम्व । ताम्व । (= यावत् , तावत्) The change occurs only in the initial stage. c.g. मयणु (= मदनः where initial म is retained ).
___ The change occurs in a non-conjunct म only. e. g... तसु पर सभलउं जम्मु (Vide : sātra. 396. 3) (where in जन्म · म does not change to y).
398. वा अधः( स्थितस्य) 'र' - स्य लुक् (= लोपः) (भवति)। ___ In Apabhramsa if र is a second mernber (अधः वर्तमानः) in a conjunct ( संयोगाद्), it optionally elidles. E. g. In - जइ. केम्वड पातीम पिल । (Vide: sutra 396. 4). x of प्रिय has elided,
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