.. (1) यद् दृष्टं सोमग्रहणं असतीभिः हसितं निःशङ्कम् ।
प्रियमनुष्यविक्षोभ( = वियोग)कर गिलगिल राहो भृगाङ्कम् ॥ “When they saw the eclipse of the moon, unchaste women felt immensely elated (lit. laughed without any restraint), (and said.), O Rahu, do swallow up the moon, who is responsible for our separation from our desired persons."
Here विच्छोहगरु (< विक्षोभकर) is the illustration of क>ग. (2) Illustration of ख > घ :
अम्ब स्वस्थावस्थैः सुखेन चिन्त्यते मानः ।
प्रिये दृष्टे प्रेमाकुलतया कः चेतयति आत्मानम् ॥
“O mother (only) people at ease can afford to harbour (a sense of) injured pride; (in my case) in the rapturous transport of love at the (mere) sight of my beloved, who ever thinks of oneself ?"
Here सुघे (<सुखेन) is the illustration of ख > घ.
(3) Illustration of त-थ-प-फ changing respectively to द-ध-ब-भ:
शपथं कृत्वा कथितं मया तस्य परं सफलं जन्म ।
यस्य न त्यागः न चारभटी (= शौर्यवृत्तिः ) न च प्रमुष्टो धर्मः॥ " I said on oath that his life alone is successful (lit. fruitful), whose generosity has not abated, whose valour has not diminished, whose piety (lit. religion) has not been lost."
In addition to this Dodbakavrttikāra also gives another alternative explanation :
..“ That man's life is a success, who never fritters away the wealth ( यस्य 'चाउ'- अपव्ययो - नास्ति), who has not taken to आरभटी (यस्य न 'चारहडि' - आरभटीप्रकृति नास्ति ), whose religious practices have not faltered (न च धर्मः प्रभ्रष्टः )".
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