886 Haņa An Aņāriya country and its people.? Kālidāsa places the Hüņas on the river Oxus whereas the Harsacarita in the Uttarāpatha about the Western Punjab. 1. Praj. 37, Pras. 4; SutSi. p. 123,
2. SGAMI. pp. 7, 27. AvaCu. II. p. 248.
Heuvāya (Hetuvāda)
1. Sth. 742.
Another name of Ditthivāya.
1. Sth 232, Sam 25.
Same as Hitthimauvarima-Gevijjaga."
Same as Hitthimamajjhima-Gevijjaga.
1. Sth 232, Sam. 23-24. Hetthimahetthima-Gevijja
1. Sth. 232, Sam. 22-33.
Same as Hitthimahitthima-Ge viljaga.
Hemakumāra Son of king Hemakumda of Hemapurisa city. He forcibly married five hundred girls and died of over-enjoyment.1
1. Nis. Bh. 3575, NisCu. III. p. 243, BrhBh. 5153; BrhKs. p. 1371.
Hemaküda (Hemakūta ) King of Hemapura. He had a son named Hemakumāra born of his wife Hemasambhavā.
1. Brh.Ks. p. 1371, NisCu. III. 243.
Hemapura A city where king Hemakuda reigned.
1. NisCu. III, p. 243, BrKs. p. 1371
Same as Hemapura.1
Hemapurisa (Hemapurusa )
1. Nis.Cu, III. 243.
Hemamālini (Hemamālini) A goddess residing on the Hemavaya peak(2) of Namdaṇavaņa(1).
1. Jam. 104. Homava (Hemavat) Extraordinary name of the month of Phālguna.1
1. Jam. 152, Sur. 53. . . Hemavata or Hemavaya (Haimavata ) A region of Jambuddiva. It is an Akammabhūmi. It is situated to the south of mount Mahāhimavamta(3) and to the north of Cullahimavamta. It has Lavaņa ocean on its east and west.Mount Saddávai(1) is situated in the centre of Hemavaya.3 Rohiya 1. Sth. 197, 302, 522, Prasa. 96, Anu. 2. Jam. 76, 78. 130.
3. Jam. 77, Sth. 87, 302, Jiv. 141,
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