2. Sassará Bell of Camda a lord of the Joisiya gods.1
1. Jam. 119, AvaCu. I. p. 146. 3. Sussarā Thirtyfirst chapter of the fifth subsection of the second section of Nāyādhammakahä."
1. Jna, 153.
4. Sussară Name of a queen of each of Giyarai and Giyajasa. She was a merchant's daughter in her previous birth at Ņāgapura.? 1. Sth. 273, Bha. 406.
2. Jna. 153.
Suha See Suhuma.1
1. Sth. 556.
Fifth, tenth as well as fifteenth night of a .
Suhiņāmā (Subhanāmā) fortnight.
1. Jam. 152, Sur. 47.
1. Suhatthi (Suhastin) Chief disciple of preceptor Thülabhadda. He belonged to the Vasittha lineage. As Mahāgiri the head of the group, took to Jinakalpa, tie authority of the leadership of his group was transferred to Suhatthi. He had twelve disciples : R ana, Bhaddajasa(2), Mehagani, Kāmiddhi, Sutthiya(2), Suppadibuld', Rak thiya(2), Rohagutta(1), Isigutta, Sirigutta, Barbha(9) and Soma. Suhatthi visited Padaliputta and merchant Vasübhūi(2) took householder's vows from him. From there Suhatthi went to Vaidisi and paid obeisance to the image of Jivamtasāmi. Then he travelled to Ujjeni and initiated his mother, Avamtisukumāla as well as his wives. He had once initiated a beggar at Kosambi. The beggar after death was reborn as king Sampai at Ujjeni. This king welcomed Suhatthi with reverence and became his staunch lay-votary. 1. Kalp. p. 253, Nan. v. 25, NanM., 4. AvaN. 1278, AvaCu II. pp. 155p. 49, NanCu. p. 6, NanH. p. 11,
157; Aval. pp. 668-670. Aca. p. 27, AvaCu. II. p. 155, SthA. 5. BrhBh. 3275, BrhKs. p. 917, SthA. p. 390.
p. 276, Vya M. IX. p. 14. 2. AvaH. p. 668, AvaCu. II. p. 155.
6. Brh Bh. 3277, BrhKs. p. 918, NisBh. 3. Kalp. pp. 257-8.
5744-46, 5749-51, NisCu. IV. pp.
128-130. 2. Suratthi A Disāhatthiküda situated in Bhaddasālavaņa. A goddess bearing the same name resides there. 1. Sth, 642, Jam, 103.
1 2 . Jam. 103.
3. Suhatthi A mendicant living in the vicinity of the shrine of Gunasilaa at Rāyagiha.
1, Bha, 305.
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