knowledge also came to be known as Suya which is regarded as sacred. This knowledge or suya is embodied in works like Puvvas and Angas (3) or Duvālasamga and additionally the Angabāhira works.7 This Suya or these works are composed in the Prakrit language and are known as scriptures. Its other names are Sutta, Agama, Pavayapa etc. See also Agama and Sutta. 5. Utt. 29. 19, Bha. 757, AvaN. 1410,
nical literature in addition to those Av Cu. II. p. 216, Cat. 32, BrhBh.
mentioned above. They are Grantha, 364), Brh.M. I. pp. 42-43, PrajM. Siddhānta, Sasana, Ajñā, Vacana, p. 5, Prasa. p. 98.
Upadesa, Prajñāpanā, Artha, Tirtha, 6. Bha. 756-7, BhaA. p. 6, Utt. 28. 23,
Marga, Tantra, Patha, Sastra and Anu. 40-42, Nan. 41, Sth. 71, UttN..
Sangha. Anu. 43; BrhBh. 174, 179pp. 144, 570, DasCu. p. 294.
183. Vis. 561-3, 893, 1124, 1373-4, 7. Sth. 71, SthA. p. 52. Nan. 44, BrhBh.
1385, 2850, 2881, 4203, 4211; JitBh. 144, Vis. 530, BrhM. p. 44, Utts. p.
1,3; Praj. 37; Utt. 14, 52; Pras. 23, 565, PrajM. p. 20, NanM. pp. 193,
25, 27; PrasA. pp. 2, 113, PinN. 140; 203-4. .
Utts. pp. 342, 584; BhaA. pp. 383; 8. JitBh. 1008, AvaCu. II. p. 216, Utts,
AnuH. p. 22; AnuH. p. 38; AcaN. pp. 556-7, NanM. p. 15.
281; AvaCu. I. pp. 87, 92, 94; SutSi. 9. Bha, 339-340, Anu. 43, Vis. 897,
p.2; Paky. p. 59: PrajM. pp. 19,56, BrhBh. 174. Various synonyms of
319; NanM. pp. 60-62; NanM. p. 29; Suya etc. are available in the cano
Maha p. 24. Suyasāgara (Śrutasāgara) Ninth would-be Titthamkara in the Eravaya(1) region. Titthogāli mentions him as third Titthayara.
1. Sam. 159, Tir. 1117. Suyāi (Sujāti) One of the hundred sons of Usabha(1)
1. KalpDh. p. 152, KalpV. p. 236. Suraiya (Suratika) A householder of Ayalaggāma. He took initiation from Jasahara(l) and after death was reborn as a son of king Pamdu.
1. Mar. 449-457. Surambara (Surāmbara ) A yakşa's shrine situated near the city of Şoriya(8). · 1. AvaN. 1289, PakY. 67, AvaCu. II. p. 193, AvaH. p. 705. Suraggidīvāyaṇa (Surāgnidvīpāyana) Same as Dīvāyaṇa(3). After death he was born as an Aggikumāra god.1
1. Ant. 9. Surattha (Surāṣtra ) An Ariya country with its capital at Bāravai.' There was an islet situated at a distance of one yojana to the south of Surattha. The Surattha country was ruled by a son of Kulagara Usaha(1). 1. Praj. 37, SutSi. p. 123, BrhBh. 3263, 2. BrhKs. p. 1059, NisCu. II. p. 95.
BrhKs. p. 913, AvaH. p. 709, 1. 3. Kalpv. p. 236.
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