Virādaņagara (Virātanagara) A city where king Kiyaga reigned. the same as Vairāda.
1. Ina. 117. Viria(ya) (Virya) See Viria.?
1. Sam. 23. Vilāyaloya (Vilātaloka) See Balāyāloa and its foot-note,
1. AvaCu. I. p. 191. Vivacchā (Vivatsā) Same as Vitatthā."
1. Sth. 717.
Vivatta (Vivartta) One of the eightyeight Ghas. It is also mentioned as Vitata,2 Vitatta: Vitattha," and Viyattas(2). 1. Sur, 107, SurM. p. 296.
3. Sth. 90, SthA. p. 79. 2. Sur, 107, SurM. p. 295, Jams.
4. Jams. p. 535. 535.
5. SthA, p. 79.
Vivattha (Vivastra) One of the eighty-eight Gahas.1 It is also mentioned as Vitattha.? 1. Sur. 107, SurM. pp. 295-296, Jams. 2. Sth, 90, SthA. p. 79.
p. 535. Vivāga (Vipāka) Another name for Vijaya(8).
1. Tir. 1115,
Another name of Vivāgasuya.1
Vivāgadasă ( Vipäkadašā )
1. DasaCu. pp. 1, 3.
Vivāgasuya (Vipäkaśruta) Eleventh of the twelve Amga(3) texts. It has two sections : Duhavivāga and Suhavivāga, each containing ten chapters.' They deal with the fruits of deeds, sinful and meritorious, done in previous births. 1. Vip. 2, 33, SthA. p. 506, 507, Nan. 1 2. Sam. 146, VipA. p. 33, Anu. 42, 45, 56, Pak Y. p. 46.
NanCu. pp. 70-71, NanH. p. 85, NanM. p. 235.
Second chapter of Dogiddhidasä.
Vivāya (Vivāda)
1. Sth. 755.
Vivāha (Vyākhyā) Same as Vivāhapaņņatti.
1. VyaBh. 10.25, Tir. 811, JitBh. 1105, NanM. p. 237.
Vivabaculiyā (Vyākhyācülikā) See Viyahacūliyā.?
1. Nan. 44, Sth. 755, Vya Bh. 10.26, Paky. p. 67, NanM, p. 206,
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