of this class of gods. All of these varieties have differen't lords (indras ). Jambhaga gods are also included in the Vāṇamamtara class.? 1. Praj. 38, 47-8, 100, 110, 117, Bha.
199, AvaCu.' I. P. 146. AcaCu. pp. 13, 15, 19, 168-9,661, Anu. 122, 133,
33, 211, 224, 260, SutSi. pp. 56, 221, 139, 142, 5th. 94, 257, 654, 757,
BrhBh. 5540, ff., Jha. 65, JivM. P. Sam. 8-9, 150, Pras, 15, Jam 6, 12,
24, AvaH. pp. 125, 639, 658, 678, 119, 122, Aup. 24, Jiv. 110, 121,
698, 750. 127, Sur. 106, Dev, 67-79, 162, 194, 2. BhaA. p. 654. Vānamantari (Vāņavyantari) Same as Vamtari.?
1. Bha. 168. Vāņārasi (Vārāṇsi) Capital of Käsi, an Āriya country. There were situated three shrines, namely Katthaa(2), Ambasala vana(2)3 and Kāmamahåvana,' and a park Terduya(2). To the north-east of Vānārasi there lay Mayaṁgatiraddaha in river Gamgă. Titthayaras like Supāsa(1) ard Pāsa(1) were born here. The latter, after renouncing the world, came here several times and ordained many persons. Mahā virao and Cakkavatti Bambhadatta(1) also paid a visit to it.10 Here reigned various kings like Jiyasattu(7),11 Alakkha(2),12 Samkha(7),13 Kadaa, 14 Dhammarui(1),15 Jiyasattu(17),18 and cthers. Gosāla performed his fourth pautfaparihāra (entering into another's body) here.17 Brahmin Somila(7),18 householder Surädeva(1),19 Culanīpiya, 20 merchant Ila,21 Bhaddasena(2)22 and lady Subhaddā(1)23 belonged to this city. In future Abhagga sena(2) as well as Sagada(2) will take birth here.24 Ascetics Jayaghosa and Vijayaghosa hailed from this place.25 Dhan maghosa(2) and Dhammajasa(2) spent here a rainy season.26 Hariesabala37 and Dhammarui(3)28 had visited this city. It is identified with modern Banaras.29 See also Bāņārasi. 1. Praj. 37, Sutsi. p. 123, NisCu, II. 15. AvaCu. I. p. 559, AvaH. p. 430, p. 466.
NanM. p. 166. 2. Upa. 27, AvaN. 1302.
16. NisCu. II. p. 417, According to
BrhKs. p. 1397, he reigned at Va. 3. Nir, 3.3. 4. Jha. 151Ant. 15, Bha 550.
17. Bha. 550. 5. UttCu. p. 202.
18. Nir. 3.3, SthA. p. 512. 6. Jna. 72.
19. Upa. 27, SthA p. 509. 7. AvaN. 382, 384, Tir, 495, 512.
20. Upa. 30, SthA. p. 509. 8. Jna. 158, AvaCu. II. p. 202, Nir 3.3,
21. Jna. 151. Aval. p. 713. 9. Upa. 27, 30, Ant. 15, AvaN. 518,
22. Avaču. II. p. 202, AvaH. p. 713.
23. SthA. p. 513, Nir. 3.4. AvaCu. I. p. 315, Vis. 1973, AvaM.
24. Vip. 20, 23. P, 294, KalpV. p. 169.
25. Utt, 25, 2-3, 5-6, UttCu. p. 268, 10. UtN. p. 379.
Uttn. p. 521. 11. Upa. 30.
26. AvaN. 1306, AvaCu. II. p. 204. 12. Ant. 15, SthA. p. 431.
27. UttCu. p. 202, Utts. p. 356. 13. Jha. 72, SthA. p. 401.
28. AvaCu. I. P, 516-517, Avah p. 390. 14. UttN. p. 377.
29. GDA. p. 23.
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