1. Vagghävacca (Vyāghräpatya) One of the seven branches of Väsittha lineage.1
1. Sth. 551. 2. Vagghāvacca Family-name of the Uttarāsādha constellation.
1. Sur. 50, Jam. 159. 1. Vaccha (Vatsa) An Ariya country with its capital at Kosambi. King Sayania reigned there. It was visited by preceptor Āsādha(1). Vaccha was identified with the region west of Allahabad. Its northern boundary was formed by river Yamuna. 1. Praj, 37, NisCu. IV. p. 45, SutSi. p. 3. UttCu. p. 87, Utts. p. 133.
123, SthA. p. 479, BrhKs. p. 947, 4. GDA. P, 28. Vis. 2507, AvaN. 646.
5. IDETBJ. P. 23. 2. BrhBh. 3386, BrhKs. p. 947. 2. Vaccha See Maccha(1) and its foot-note.
1. Praj. 37. 3. Vaccha Two of the nine summits of mount Diha-Veyaddha in the Vaccha(6) district of Mahāvideha.
1. Sth. 689.
4. Vaccha A family linel to which preceptor Sejjambhava belonged12. It had seven branches : Vaccha, Aggeya, Mittiya, Sámili, Selayaya, Atthiseña and Viyakamha. 1. Sth. 551.
3. Sth. 551. 2. Nan. v. 23.
5. Vaccha One of the hundred sons of Usabha(1).1
1. KalpDh. p. 131, KalpV. p. 236.
It is situated to the south of river
6. Vaccha A district in Mahāvideha. Siya.
1. Jam. 96, Sth. 92.
Vacchakā (Vatsakā)
1. AcaCu, p. 226,
See Vacchagā.
Vacchagā (Vatsakā) A river on the bank of which the town of Vacchagātira was situated.1
1. Mar. 475, AyaN. 1282, AvaCu. II. p. 190, AcaCu. p. 226, AvaH. p. 700.
Vacchakātira or Vacchagātira (Vatsakātira) A town situated on the bank of river Vacchagā in between Kosambi and Ujjeni.
1. AcaCu. p. 226, AvaN. 1282, AvaCu. pp. 190-191, Mar, 475, AvaH: p. 700.
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