Lavana A concentric ocean surronding the Jambūdiva continent. It is surrounded by another continent, viz.. Dhayaisama. Its circular breadth measures two lakh yojanas. It is somewhat more than 1581139 yojanas in circumference. Sotthiya(4) is its presiding god who lives in the capital of Sutthiyā.1 Four suns, four moons, etc. shine over it which are double of those in Jambūdiva. There are various Amtaradīvas in it. This ocean also contains mahāpātālas, Pāyālakalasas, Mahápāyālakalasas, āvāsaparvatas jagati-dvāras, etc. Many rivers fall into it." 1. Jiv. 154, Sth, 91, 111, Sam. 125,
3. Sth. 304, NanM. p. 102, NanH. 128, Bha. 182, Jam. 8, Sur. 100,
p. 33. SutSi. p. 122, AnuHe. p. 90.
4. Jiv. 156 ff., Sth. 305, 720. 2. Jiv. 155, Sur, 100, Jam. 127, 142,
5. Jam. 74, 80, 84. See also Jiv. 170-3, 149, Dev. 111-2, Bha. 179, 363,
186-8, Bha. 155, 251, Sur. 29, Sam. Sth. 305.
16-17, 42, 72, 95. Lavana Samudda (Lavana Samudra) See Lavaņa.
1. Jiv. 186, Sam. 17, Sur. 29, Bha. 251, Sth. 305, Jam. 80, AnuCu. p. 35, Jna. 64, Upa. 14. Lavasattama (Lavasaptama) Another name of those gods of the five Aputtara celestial abodes who would have obtained liberation had they been in a position to live seven lavas longer as human beings in their last previous birth. They will get liberated in the next human birth.
1. VyaBh. 5.129 ff., Sut. 1.6.24 and SutSi. on it. Lavosa An Apāriya country and its people.1
1. SutSi. p. 123. Praj. 37, Pras. 4. Lahuparakkama (Laghuparākrama) Commander of the infantry of Isāņa and others.
1, Jam. 118, Sth. 404. Lata Same as Lădha.1
1. Praj. 37, KalpDh. p. 106. Lāda (Lāta) Name of a country. Its ladies are said to be beautiful." Marriage with daughters of maternal uncle was permitted in this country.2
The Lādas were known for their deceitful nature. Crops were grown here by rains. There were wells which contained salty water.5 'Hali' was used here in addressing equals. A variety of cultural information about Lāda can be collected from the canonical literature.7 Lāda is identified with Konkan and southern Gujarat.8 1. PrasA. p. 139, SthA. pp. 210, 445.
pp. 4, 41, AvaM. pp. 6, 68. 113, 2. AvaCu. II. p. 81, NisCu. I. p. 51.
BhaA. pp. 187, 547, PrajM. pp. 29, 3. VyaBh. 345.
342, JivM. pp. 25, 281, RajM. 22, 4. BrhKs. p. 382.
NanM. p. 88, Visk. pp. 18, 523, 5. Praj. M. p. 29.
922, BrhKs. pp. 383, 807, Utts. p. 6. DasCu. p. 250.
424, OghND. p. 75, KalpSaa. p. 96, 7. DasCu. pp. 17, 236, 250, AvaCu. I.
SutCu. p. 146, AnuCu. p. 53. p. 27, II. p. 221, BrhKs. p. 1068, 8. GDA p. 114. NisCu. I, p. 52, III, p. 569, AvaH.
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