2. Lakkhaņā One of the eight principal wives of Vásudeva(2) Kaņha(1). She took initiation from Titthayara Aritthanemi, practised asceticism for a period of twenty years and attained emancipation at the end.
1. Ant. 10, Sth. 626, Ava. p. 28.
3. Lakkhaņā Wife of king Mahaseņa(4) and mother of Titthayara Cardappaha(1).
1. Sam. 157, Tir, 471, AvaN. 383ff.
4. Lakkhaņā Same as Lakkhanajjā, daughter of king Jambūdāđima and his queen Siriya(1). See also Khamdotthi.
1. Mahan. p. 163ff.
Lakkhamanā (Laksmanā) Same as Lakkhapă.'
1. Ava. p. 28. Lacchai (Lakşmi) Mother of Dadhāu(2).
1. Jiv. 89.
1. Lacchimai (Lakşmimati) Mother of the sixth Vásudeva(1) Purisapandaria.
1. Sam. 158, Tir. 603, Ava.N. 408.
2. Lacchimai
1. Sam, 158.
Chief queen of Cakkavatti Jaya(1).
3. Lacchimai One of the eight principal Disākumāris residing on Sasi(2) peak of the southern Rayaga(1) mountain.
1. Sth. 643, Jam. 114, Tir. 155, AvaH. p. 122. Lacchivai or Lacchivati (Laksmīvati) Same as Lacchimai.'
1. Sth. 643.
Presiding goddess of lake Pumdariya(7),1
1. Lacchi (Laksmī)
1. Sth. 197, 522.
2. Lacchi A goddess who staged a drama before Mahăvira at Rayagiba.1 Rest is similar to Siridevi(5).
1. Nir. 4. 6.
3. Lacchi Sixth chapter of Pappbacũliyā.!
1. Nir. 4. 1.
4. Lacchi One of the eleven summits of mount Sihari(1).1
1. Jam. 111.
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