Tavanijja, Kamcana (2), Rayaya(4), Disāsotthiya, Palamba(4), Amjana (6) and Amjapapulaya(2); Sotthiya(2), Amoha(2), Himayam, Mamdara(4), Ruyaga(7), Ruyaguttama, Camda(6) and Sudamsaņa(18).3 Each peak is presided over by a principal Disäkumāri. There are eight other principal Disākumārīs, four of whom reside in the sub-quarters and the other four in the middle region of the Ruyaga mountain." It is 85000 yojanas high, i. e. one thousand yojanas under the earth and eighty four thousand yojanas above the earth.? The width of the underground and the summit bases of this mountain are ten thousand aid one thousand yojanas respectively. 3. Sth. 643.
6. Sam. 85. 4. Sth. 643, Jam. 114, Tir. 154, 157, 7. Sth. 726. 161-162, Jams. p. 392.
8. Ibid. 5. Ibid.
2. Ruyaga A concentric continent surrounding the Kundalavarobhāsa ocean. It is encircled by the Ruyaga(3) ocean. The continent of Ruyaga is presided over by two gods : Savvattha(4) and Manorama(4).
1. Sur. 102, Jiv. 166, Vis. 613, 790, 2. Jiv. 185.
Avan. 34.
3. Ruyaga A concentric ocean encircling the Ruyaga(2) contient. It is surrounded by the Ruyagavara(1) continent. The presiding deities of the ocean are Sumana(3), and Somanasa(10). 1. Sur. 102.
2. Jiv. 185. 4. Ruyaga A throne in Ruyagavadimsaa, a celestial abode.1
1. Jna. 152.
5. Ruyaga A peak of mount Nisaha.!
1. Jam. 84, Sth. 689.
6. Ruyaga A peak in Namdanavana(1). Vacchamitta(2) resides ther.
1. Jam. 104, Sth. 522, 689.
7. Ruyaga A peak of the western Ruyaga(1) mountain.
1. Sth. 643.
8. Ruyaga A situation consisting of eight central-most space-points. It is situated in the centre of moun' Mamdara(3). This centre lies between the two smallest layers of Rayaņappabhä. From this situation the respective ten directions (disas) commence. They are : imdā (east), aggai (south-east). jamā (south), nerayi (south-west ), vārun (west ), vāyavvă (north-west ), somā (north), isāņā (north-east), vimala and tamă (the region above and the region below i. e. the zenith and the nadir ).
1. Sth. 720, Bha. 479-480, Anub. p. 49, NanM. p. 110.
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