Rāy ap asenia
his first pauttaparihara and entered the dead body of Epejjaga(1).46 Mahāvira had predicted that Gosāla would be born twice as a prostitute in Rāyagiha.48 Sudhamma(1), a chief disciple of Mahāvīra pearched here the second section of Nāyādhammakahā7, Suha vivāga48 and Anuttarova vāiyadasā9 to his disciple Jambū(1). Pabhāsa(1)50, a Ganadhara of Mahāvīra and Meyajja(3)51 belonged to Rāyagiha. Preceptor Pabhava initiated Sejjambhava in this clty,52 Bhaddabāhu(1) had four merchant disciples who hailed from this city,53 This place was visited by ascetics like Sambhūya(1)54, Dhammaghosa(6)55, Dhammarui(2) and Āsādhabhui. Second Ninhava Tīsagutta propounded his new doctrine here.57 Āsādha(1), the third Ninhava, was set right here by king Balabhadda(4).58 Two other Ninhavas, namely, Asamitta59 and Gamgao, were also made to realise their faults in their new doctrines in this city. Merchants like Dhaņņa(6), Namda(1)62, Dhaņa(10)83, Dhaņāvaha(3)64 Mammapa), Dāmappaga etc. and gardener AjjunaaR7 were the residents of Rāyagiha.
In his previous birth Titthayara Mahāvira was born as Brahmin Thāvara(2) and prince Vissabhūi89 in this city. Rāyagina is identified with modern Rajgir in South Bihar.70 45. Bha. 550.
59. AvaBh. 132, NisBh. 5600, UttN. p. 46. Bha. 559.
162. Vis. 2890, 2920. 47. Jna. 148.
60. UttN. and Utts. p. 167, NisBh. 48. Vip. 33.
5601. AvaCu. I. p. 423, Vis. 2925. 49. Anut. 1.
2919. 50. AvaN. 646, Vis. 2407.
61. Jna. 32-33, 63, 136, 51. AvaCu. I. p. 494.
62. Jna. 93. 52. DasCu. p. 56.
63. AvaCu. I. p. 497. 53. Utts. p. 89. UttCu. p. 56.
64. AvaCu, I, P, 467. 54. Vis. 1812.
65. AvaCu. 1. p. 371, 55. Jna. 42.
66. AvaCu. II. p. 324. 56. JitBh. 1394, 1398, PinN. 474, PinNM, 67. Ant. 13, Mar. 494, UttCu. p. 70, p. 137.
Vttn. and Utts. p. 112.. 57. Uttn. and Utts. p. 158, NisBh. 68. AvaCu I. p. 230, Vis. 1810. 5698, Vis. 2834.
69. AvaCu I. p. 230, Avan. 445-446, 58. AvaBh: 130, AvaCu. I. p. 421, NisBh.
Vis. 1811. 5599, Uttn. and Utts. pp. 160-162. 70. GDA. p. 165. Vis. 2857.
Rayaggala (Rājārgala) One of the eighty-eight Gahas.1 mentions Rāya and Aggala as two separate planets, a 1. Sth. 90, Stha. pp. 78–79.
Sur. 107.
Rāyapaseņaiya (Rājaprašniya) See Rāyapaseņia.
1. Jiv. 109. Rāyapaseņia or Rāyapaseņiya (Rājapraśnīya)
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