of Ujjeņi had attacked Sayāniya in order to take control of queen Miyāvai and make her his own wife. King Sayānia, however, expired leaving behind his minor sen Udāyana. Miyāvas played diplomacy. She took Pajjoya into confidence and requested him to help her in protecting the kingdom and the child from the danger of an attack by feudal kings. Pajjoya granted the appeal. Miyāvai's hands got strengthened by and by. Thus, she preserved her chastity, protected her kingdom and saved her son. One day she took initiation from Titthayara Malāvīra installing Udāyana as the king of Kosambī. She practised asceticism under Candana(1). Once she went to attend the religious congregation addressed by Titthayara Mahāvīra but could not return to her place in time, i.e. in day-time as she was not aware of the fact that the light which was visible there was due to the presence of the god Sûriya(1) as well as Camda(1) who had come to visit Titthayara. She was, therefore, admonished by the head nun Camdanā. Thereupon she repented to such an extent that her obscuring karmas disappeared and she obtained omniscience in that very night.3 2. AvaCu. I. pp. 88, ff., Visk. p. 332. 3. AvaCu. I. p. 615, AvaN. 1055, DasCu.
p. 50, NisBh. 6606, BhaK. 50, Vyam. 111. p. 34, Stha. p. 258.
2. Miyāvai Daughter as well as wife of king Rivupadisattu of Poyaņápura and mother of Vāsudeva Tivittha(1). See also Payāvai(1).
1. AvaCu. I. p. 232, AvaN. 448, Vir. 568, Sam. 158, KalpDh. p. 38. Miyāyati (Mrgāvati) See Miyāvai,
1. AvaCu. I. p. 232, Vip. 24.
Mirii (Marici) See Marij."
1. AvaCu. I. pp. 182, 228. Miriyi (Marici) See Marii.
1. AvaCu. 1. pp. 211, 229, Vis. 1735. Mirīi (Marici) See Marii.?
1. AvaCu. I. p. 228, Vis. 1724.
Milakkha (Mleccha) Same as Milikkhu.1
1. Praj. 36, NisCu. IV. p. 124, Pras. 4.
Same as Aņāriya.
Milikkhu (Mleccha)
1. Praj. 37.
Missakesi (Mišrakešī) A principal Disākumāri presiding over a peak of northern Ruyaga(1) mountain.1
1. Jam, 114, Tir. 159 ; Sth. 643, mentions her as Mitakesi.
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