envious of the glory of Titthayara Mahāvīra. Once he approached the latter with a straw in his hand and with a view to contradict the power of prediction possessed by the latter, asked a strange question : "Shall I break this straw or not ?" Since Mahāvira was engaged in meditation, vyantara Siddhattha(8), who had entered and was occupying already the body of Mahāvira, replied: "No, you will not." This was cognised by Sakka(3) who possessed the power of clairvoyance (avadhi-jñāna). He at once threw his vajra by which all the fingers of Acchamdaga were chopped off. Thus, Acchamdaga could not break the straw, which implies that he could not contradict the power of prediction of Mahāvīra.
1. AvaCu. I. pp. 275-6, AvaN. 465-6, Kalp V. p. 162, AvaH. pp. 193-4, AvaM. p. 270.
Accharā (Apsarā) One of the eight principal wives of Sakka(3).
1. Bha. 406, Sth. 612.
Acchã An Āriya country which seems to be identical with Accha(2). In the light of Viyāhapannatti which mentions Accha as one of the sixteen countries,2 Varaná should be the capital of Accha and not Acchā that of Varaņā as mentioned by Silānkācārya3 and Malayagiri. 1. Praj. 37 2 . Bha. 554. 3. Sutsi. p. 123.
4. PrajM. p. 58.
Acchidda (Acchidra) A monk of the line of Titthayara Pasa(1) who later becomes a disciple of Gosāla.
1. Bha. 539.
Acchuttā (Asprstā) A goddess.1
1. Ava, p. 19.
Ajia (Ajita) Same as Ajiya.
1. AvaN. 1087. Vis. 1758.
A goddess.
1. Ajiä (Ajitā)
1. Ava. p. 19.
2. Ajiã Principal woman-disciple cf Al hiņamdara, the fourth of Bharaha(2).
1. Sam. 157, Tir. 457.
Ajiya (Ajita) Second Titthamkara of the current descending cycle of Bharaha(2). Jiyasattu(18), the king of Aojjhā(2), was his father. Queen Vijaya(5) was his mother. His height measured four hundred and fifty dhanusas. He was of the complexion of heated gold' After enjoying
1. Ava, p. 4, Nan, v. 18, Tir. 2. 3. Sam. 107, AvaN. 378, Tir. 361. 2. Sam. 157, AvaN. 323,385,387, Tir. 464.1 4. Avan. 376, Tir. 336.
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