Khitipatittha (Kșitipratisthita)
1. AvaCu. II. p. 208.
Same as Khiipaitthiya.
Khitipatitthiya (Kșitipratişthita) See Khiipaithiya.
1. AvaCu. I. p. 514, AvaCu. II. p. 158, UttCu. p. 178.
Khippagai (Kșipragati) A Logapāla each of the two lords (indras) of the Disākumāra gods. Each of them has four principal wives just like those of the Logapālas of Dharana and Bhūyāṇamda.
1. Bha. 169, Sth. 256, 273.
Same as Khiravara island.1
Khiradiva (Kșiradvipa)
1. Jiv. 166.
1. Khiravara (K siravara) A concentric island surrounded by the Khiroda ocean. Pumdarīga(8) and Pukkharadamta are its presiding gods.
1. Jiv. 181, Sur. 101, AnuCu. 35, AnuHe. p. 90.
2. Khiravara An ocean identical with Khïroda.1
1. Sur. 101. Kbirasamudda (Ksirasamudra) Identical with Khiroda.1
1. Jiv, 166.
Khiroda (K siroda) An ocean surrouding the Khiravara island. Vimala(12) and Vimalappabha are its presiding gods.
1. Jiv. 181, 166, 141, Jam. 33, Sur. 101, Kalp. 43, AnuHe, p. 90, Aca. 2. 179.
Identical with Khîroda.1
Khirodaga (K sirodaka)
1. Jam. 33.
Khiroda (Ksirodā) A small river (antaranadi) flowing to the west of mount Meru and to the south of river Sioyā in Jambuddiva.
1. Sth. 197, 522, Jam. 102. Khiroya (Kşiroda) Same as Khiroda.1
1. Aca. 2. 179.
Khuddagakamāra (Ksullakakumāra) Son of Jasabhaddā and her husband Khamdarīya(2). He was born after his mother had renounced the world and become a nun. He also followed in the footsteps of his mother and became a disciple of Ajjasena(1). Once he abandoned monkhood but again took to asceticism inspired by a song sung by a colleague of a courtezan of Sāgeya.1
1. AvaCu. II. pp. 191-2, NisCu. II. p. 231, AvaN. 1283.
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