Kollá Same as Kollāa...
1. Vis. 1912.
1. Kollāa (Kollāka) A settlement situated to the north-east of Vāņiyagāma. Upāsaka Āpamda(11) went there from Vāniyagāma to perform penances in the posahasālā.” Titthayara Mahāvīra had broken his first fast here at the house of Brāhmana Bahula(2).3 * 1. Upa. 3.
3. AvaN, 325, 329, 462, AvaCu. I. 2. Upa. 12.
p. 270, KalpV. p. 157, Vis. 1912.
2. Kolláa A settlement not far from Ņālamdā. Mahāvīra while spending his second rainy season at Nālamdā, accepted alms from Brāhmana Bahula(4) on the occasion of breaking his fourth fast of one month's duration. Gosāla unilaterally accepted here Mahāvīra as his preceptor. Kosia(1), a former birth of Mahāvīra, belonged to this place.2 Viyatta(1) and Suhamma(1), two principal disciples, i.e. Gañaharas of Mahāvira, hailed from this settlement.3 1. Bha. 541, AvaCu. I, p. 283, AvaN.
1807. 475, KalpV. p. 164, Vis. 1929.
3. Vis. 2505, AvaN. 644, AvaCu. I. 2. AvaN. 441, AvaCu. I. p. 229, Vis. | P, 337, KalpV. p. 249. Kollāga (Kollāka) Same as Kollāa.?
1. Upa. 3, Bha. 541, AvaN. 644. Kovakada (Kūpakata) See Koagada.
1. Avalp. 227.
Kosambavana (Kaušāmbavana) A forest where Vásudeva(2) Kanha(1) was killed by Jarākumāra. It lay to the south of Hatthikappa which is identified with Hathab near Bhāvnagar. 1. Ant. 9, SthA. p. 433.
2. LAI. pp. 287, 300. Kosambiyā (Kaušāmbika) One of the four branches of Uttarabalissahagana(2)
1. Kalp. p. 257.
Kosambi (Kaušāmbi) Capital of the Vaccha(1), an Ariya country. It was regarded as the southern border of the Aryan region. It had a park Candotaraña(1) by name. King Sayāņia, Ajiyasepa(2) etc. reigned there. It was attacked by Pajjoya and Ayamtisena. The abhiggaha=abhigraha undertaken by Mahāvīra was fulfilled by Camdaņā in this very town.7 Titthayara Pāsa(1)8 1. Praj. 37, Sutsi. p. 123.
5. AvaCu. II. p. 167. 2. BrhBh. 3262.
6. Mar. 474, AvaCu. II. p. 190. 3. Vip. 24.
7. AvaN. 520-1, AvaCu. I. p. 317. 4. Vip. 24, 34, Vis. 1976, Bha. 441, 8. Jna. 158.
AvaCu. I. p. 88, II. pp. 161, 164, 189, 190
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