2. Aojjhá Principal city of Kosala(1). It was the birth-place of Titthayaras like Ajiya and Aņamta.? The former had his first pāraņā here.3 Titthayara Usaha(1) visited it along with Marii. Gañadhara Acala(7) belonged to this place. It figured as the capital of Cakkavattis like Bharaha(1) and Sagara. King Dasaraha(1) also ruled here. It was twelve yojanas long. It is also known as Viņiyā, Kosalā, Ikkhāgabhūmi and Sägeya. It is identified with a place near modern Fyzabad in Oudh.10
1. Avaču. I. p. 337, BhaA.p. 683. 6. AvaN. 397, PrajM. p. 300. 2. AvaN. 382-3, Tir. 503, BrhKs. p. 381. 7. PrasA. p. 87. 3. AvaN. 323, AvaM. p. 227.
8. KalpV. p. 41, KalpDh. p. 36. 4. KalpV. p. 41, KalpDh. p. 36.
9. SthA. p. 479, AvaN. 382, Kalp. 206. 5. AvaCu. I. p. 337.
10. SGAMI. p. 99.
Aomuha (Ayomukha) Same as Ayomuha.
1. Sth. 304.
1. Amka (Anka) Fourteenth part of the first layer of the Rayaņappabhā(2) region.
1. Sth. 778.
2. Amka Same as Amkávai 2), a Vakkhāra mountain.
1. Jam. 102.
of the
first layer
(khara) of
3. Añka One of the sixteen parts Rayaņappabhā(2).
1. Jiv. 69, Sth. 778.
Arkalivi (Ankalipi) One of the eighteen Bambhi(2) scripts.
1. Sam. 18, Praj. 37.
Amkavadamsaya (Ankāvatamsaka) Main palace of the lord (indra) of the İsāņa(1) celestial region.1
1. Bha. 172.
district in
1. Amkāvai (Ankāvati) Capital of the Ramma Vijaya(23), a Mahāvideha.
1. Jam 96.
2. Amkāvai A Vakkhāra mountain situated between the Pamha(1) and Supamba(2) districts and on the bank of river Sioa in the southern part of Western Mahāvideha. It has four peaks: Siddhāyayaņa, Añkāvai(3), Pamha(3) and Supamha(3).
1. Jam. 102, Sth. 302, 434, 637.
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