2. Ujjhiyaa Son of Vijayamitta(2) and Subhaddā(7) of Vāņiyagāma. I in love with Kāmajjhayā, the courtezan of the same town and started living with her. King Mitta(3) asked Kāmajjhayā to live with him in his palace. She left the company of Ujjhiyaa and started living in the king's palace. Ujjhiyaa could not forbear the separation. Once he entered the palace and engaged himself in sexual intercourse with Kāmajjhayā. He was caught red handed by the king who then severely punished him. He was Gottāsa(2) in his previous birth.1
1. Vip. 9-14, SthA. p. 507.
Ujjhiyā (Ujjhitā) Wife of Dhaņapāla(3).1
1. Jna. 63. Utta Same as Udda.1
1. Praj. 37.
Utthāṇasua (Utthānaśruta) An Amgabāhira Kālia text. It is not extant now.
1. Pak. p. 45, Vya. 10. 28, Nan. 44, NanH. p. 73, NanM. p. 207, NanCu. p. 60.
Udamka A sage whose beautiful wife was raped by popular god Imda(5).1
1. NisCu. III. p. 340, BrhKs. p. 543.
Uduvādiyagapa (Uduvātikagana) One of the nine monastic groups originating from Bhaddajasa(2). It had four branches and three families as follows: Campijjiya, Bhaddijjiyā, Kākamdiyā, Mehalijjiyā; Bhaddajasiya, Bhaddaguttia and Jasabhadda(3).1
1. Kalp (Therāvali). 7, KalpV. p. 259, Sth. 680. Uduvimāna (Uduvimāna) An abode in the first stratum of the Sohamma(1) heaven. Its length as well as breadth is forty-five lakhs of yojanas. 1. Sth. 328.
2. Sam. 45. Udda (Odra) Its other variants are Utta and Udu. It stands for an Aņāriya country and its inhabitants. The country of the Uddas or Odras is located in Swat or the ancient Uddiyāna. Present Ods of Punjab, Rajasthan and Western India might have been emigrants from Swat country. Odra has been the name of Orissa also.3
1. Praj. 37, SutSi. p. 123, Pras. 4. 2. GESM. pp. 61-63. 3. TAI. pp. 333-336. Udduvādiyagana (Udduvātikagana) Same as Uduvādiyagaņa...
1. Sth. 680. Unnāа or Unnāga (Uņāka) A place visited by Titthayara Mahāvīra. It is probably the same as Unao in Uttara Pradesh.
1. AvaCu. I. p. 295, AvaN. 491, Aval. p. 211, KalpV. p. 167. 2. SBM. p. 357.
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