century? mentions Siddhasena? goes to corroborate the above mentioned Jain tradition that Siddhasena lived in the fifth century of Vikrama era. There are, however, two schools that take objection in placing Siddhasena in the fifth century. One is that of Professor Jacobi& with his follower Professor Vaidya and another is that of Pandita Jugalkishor. Both have advanced their arguments on evidence gathered from Siddhasena's work Nyāyāvatāra. In the verses from 4 to 7 of Nyāyāvatāra there is a discussion of Pramaņas. In the fifth verse occars the word Abhránta and in the sixth the word Bhrānta. Professor Jacobi and his follower Professor Vaidya lay great emphasis on these two words. They say that the use of the word Abhrānta in the definition of Pramāna was first made by the Bauddha Acārya, Dharmakirti. Dbarmakirti has improved upon the definition of Pratyakşa "4477 529771ata A1HGCTAYTH"? given by Diànāga in the first chapter of Pramāņsamuccaya, by adding the word Abhrānta. 8 Now Sidhasena
1 See J. S. S. Vol. I p. 79. . 2 aa': fach1954J. V.5.1.7. 3 See Sam Introduction p. 3. 4 See S. S. B. p 126-133. 5 अनुमान तदभ्रान्त प्रमाणत्वात् समक्षवत् 6 sent 929aafu T Alucafafarggata 1
भ्रान्त प्रमाणमित्येतद् विरुद्धं वचन यतः ।। 7 H. I. L. p. 277 note. 8 ag gaten 29a19ca31F-Nyāyabindu 1.4.
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