4 DWĀTRIMŚIKĀS OF SIDDAASENA 178 3. By proving the inferiority and hollowness of
rival religions and their founders and by establi shing the superiority of Jainism and of Lord
Mahảvîra. 4. By proving the excellence of Lord Mabā vîralin
point of conduet, thought, words, view pointi. philosophical tenets as compared with those of
other preachers and opponents.2 At the end of the 11th Dwā, the name GuņavacenaDwātrimsikā is found to have been mentioned. A certain king is praised in this Dwā. It seems from the reading of this Dwā that Siddhasena had actually before him, at the time of writing this Dwa, a certain king whom He praised for his bravery and brilliance Like the clàssical Sańskrta poets, Siddhasena has lavished quite a wealth of conceits and figures of speech over this king, and has employed various metres in his description of the king ?
.:() Dwātrim sikãs of Critical Character. :
The sixth Dwā. deals critically with the nature of an Āpta ( a man of authority). It reminds one of the Apta-Mīmā rosā of Samanta-Bhadra and the Āpta-Parīkşa of Vidyānanda. The decision as well as the final choice of a man, who is the highest Apta, that is, a man of authority, is the theme of these three famous works. There is, however, a slight difference as regards the
1 Dwa 1.5, 6, 7, 12. 2 Dw.. 1.18-24 etc. 3 Cf. verse 22.
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