Samvat 1301 varse aşādha sudi 10 śukre'dyeha dhavalakakkanagaraniväsina pragvātavamśodbhavena vy• pasadevasuta gamdhika śreo dhīnākena bịhadbhrātā siddhāśreyo'rtham sasūtra maladharisrihemacandrasūriviracitā'nuyogadvāravsttir lekhayāmcakre || chha | mangalam mahāśrīḥ śubham bhavatu caturvidhaśrīśramaṇasanghasya ||chha||
From these two colophons we know that Gāndhi Dhīņāka, the son of merchant Pasadeva of Poravādavamsa and resident of Dholakā, got this ms. containing the Anuyogadvārasūtra and the Maladhārīyā vịtti copied for the good of his elder brother Siddhā on Friday, the tenth day of the bright half of Aşadha, 1301 V.S.
In this ms. the colophons have been written at the end of two texts, only after both the texts had been completely copied. If one ms. contains more than one text, the copyist generally writes at the end of each text the very date on which he has completed it. A ms. of this type gives different dates at the end of different texts. While there are also instances of mss. containing more than one text and yet giving one and the same date in the colophons occurring at the end of all the texts. This ao ms. is an instance of this type of mss.
FO-This palm-leaf ms. is preserved in the Jinabhadrasuri Jaina Jñānabhaņdāra, Jesalmer. Its condition is good and script beautiful. Its size is 301" x 2". It contains 163 folios. Folios 1-66 are devoted to the Anuyogadvārasūtra and folios 67–163 to the Anuyogadvārasūtravrtti of Āc. Haribhadra. There occurs the colophon neither at the end of the Anuyogadvārasūtra nor at the end of the vstti. But from the script we infer that it belongs to 15th Cent. V.S. It bears no. 79.
- This palm-leaf ms. belongs to Sri Sangha Jñana Bhandāra preserved in Sri Hemacandrācārya Jaina Jñāna Mandir, Patan. Its script is legible and condition is good. Its size is 34" x 2". It has 43 folios, 4 to 6 lines per side of the folio and 113 to 132 letters per line. The last folio contains three beautiful sketches--one of a pair of swans, another of a pair of peacocks and the third one of a svastika. The colophon which occurs at the end is as follows:
sammattāņi aņuyogadva(dda) rāņi || yāvad girinadidvīpā yāvaccandradivākarau 1
yāvac ca jainadharmo'yam tävan nandatu pustakam || maulilälitapadaḥ kşamadharair yāvad eva jinadharmabhüpatih pāti sādhum itaram vidambate tävad astu bhuvi pustako dhruvaḥ || sa. 1456 varse măgha sudi 10 budhe truti[h] pūritāḥ(tā) || śrīstambhatirthe vȚddhapausadhaśālāyān tapagacchiya bhattāri (ra) ka śrīji(ja) yatilakasūri tatppa (tpa) tte sriratnasagarasūri tadupadese (se) - na pustakam la(li) khāpitam ||
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