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interesting and useful. The term dossia was applied to the clothmerchant, sottia to the yarn merchant, kappasia to the dealer in cotton, and so on and so forth.101 Different families (kula) are mentioned in the list of family names.102 While listing names that are based on the names of gaņa (tribe) it enumerates many that are formed on the basis of malla, a gaña-name. They are : Malla, Malladinna, Malladhamma, Mallasamma, Malladeva, Malladāsa, Mallasena and Mallarakkhiya.103 In the list of terms that were employed for different officers or heads (isariya-adhipati) there occur rāisara, talavara, mādambiya, kodumbiya, ibbha, seţthi, satthaväha and senåvai.104 It mentions nada, natta, jalla, malla, mutthiya, velaṁbaga, kahaga, pavaga, lāsaga, aikīvaga, laṁkha, mamkha, etc. while enumerating the terms that were applied in those days to the persons expert in different fine arts. 105
The treatment of the different types of measurement employed in those days to measure different things constitutes a special feature of the Anuyogadvārasūtra.106 It mentions five types of measurement, viz. māna, unmāna, avamāna, ganima and pratimana and explains them at length.
We have here only suggested some miscellaneous points that are dealt with in the Anuyogadvārasūtra. It contains details relating to many other religious or worldly practices. The study of this work is indispensable for a student of the cultural history of India as it is rich in relevant data.
101. Ibid., Sū. 303 102. Ibid., Su. 287 103. Ibid., Sū. 289 104. Ibid., Sū. 20, 309 105. Ibid., Su. 80 106. Ibid., Sū. 316
Jain Upashraya Lunsawada, opp. Moti Pole Ahmedabad 1 30-12-1967
Muni Punyavijay Dalsukh Malvania Amratlal Mohanlal
Jain Education International
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