substances recognised by the Jainas.62 A large part of the text is covered by the details concerning the living (jiva) and non-living (a-jiva) substances. The following, for example, are several details pertaining to the jivas (souls): their specific qualities,63 the types64 and structures65 of their bodies, their life-span,66 their height,67 their number,68 their states that result from different types of karmas,69 the variety of their conduct or behaviour,70 their dwelling places in the universe (loka) viz. the nether world (i.e. hells), the divine aerial cars (vimāna), etc;71 the order of the tirthankaras72 and so on and so forth. Similarly, a considerable part of the text is devoted to a discussion on the types of the aggregates of matter, and its qualities and modes.73 The description of time, too, from its ultimate unit (samaya) up to Infinite Time is found in the Anuyogadvārasūtra.74 The elucidation of the theory of naya (i. e. theory of viewing things from different angles) is met with at every step. Nor has it neglected the task of formulating the respective definitions of the different nayas.75
In addition to the detailed treatment of the subjects relating to Jaina philosophy we find here interesting information regarding an art of universal interest, viz. sangītaśästra (science of vocal music). The entire svaraśāstra named Svaramandala is included in it.76 Material useful for the study of the science of Grammar is also collected in the Anuyogadvāra (su. 226-232, 26177, 263-284, 293-312). All the nine rasas (sentiments) recognised by the poetics are explained therein with apt illustrations.78 And a detailed exposition of all the four pramanas (instruments of knowledge), viz. pratyakṣa, anumana, upamana and sabda recognised by the system of Nyaya are also found therein.79 The theory of Numbers' (sankhya) the knowledge of
62. Anuyoga. Su. 218 63. Ibid., Su. 43564. Ibid., Su. 40565. Ibid., Su. 20566. Ibid., Su. 38367. Ibid., Su. 347
68. Ibid., Su. 404
69. Ibid., Su. 207-233
70. Ibid., Su. 472
71. Ibid., Su. 162, 165, 169, 216, 277, 285, 173, etc.
72. Ibid., Su. 203
73. Ibid., Su. 62, 216 [19], 217-, 429
74. Ibid., Su. 86, 202, 278, 365-, 532
75. Ibid., Su. 606
76. Ibid.. Su. 260. This prakarana is found verbatim in the Sthānanga too. 77. This vibhakti-prakarana occurs word for word in the Sthänänga.
78. Anuyoga. Sü. 262 79. Ibid., Su. 436
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