... [31]...
prove this. The present form of the Niryuktis may possibly be put to the credit of the Junior Bhadrabāhu. But these Niryuktis of Bhadrabahu contain a good number of gathās drawn from the old Niryuktis. This view is legitimate because many gāthās are found in the Digambara Mülăcăra too. We should treat their old form as anterior to the Junior Bhadrabāhu even if we put their final form to the credit of this Acārya who belonged to the 5th or 6th century of Christian Era.
Why first place is accorded to the Nandi ?
Not only in this volume but in the entire series of the project the Nandi which describes five types of knowledge is placed first. So, it becomes necessary to explain this precedence. The Nandi falls in the angabāhya class. So, it is natural that it should occupy a place coming after the Angas. But the reason why it is placed first is its peculiar position in the whole of the Agama literature. It has secured the position of an auspicious introductory prayer in the beginning of Agamavācana. So, we too give it the first place in our scheme of publishing the Agamis considering it to be of the nature of a mangalācaraña (auspicious introductory prayer).
Ac. Jinabhadra was confronted with a problem. He had to decide as to which one of the two mangilas-one pañcanamaskara, and the other pañcajñanarūpa Nandi—is to be explained first.30 He commented upon the Nandi first and justified his action by saying that the Namaskāra-mangala is a part and parcel of the Avasyaka Śrutaskandha because it is included in each and every Śruta work.31 Now one might ask as to how it could be considered to be included in each and every śruta work. In reply it is stated that in the Nandi where all the Sruta works are enumerated it does not find place as an independent śruta work though it is a sūtra. It, being the best among all the mangalas, has secured place in the beginning of all the import
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