be seen from this. Afterwards it was thrown under a horseradish tree a foot and a half to the east of his house. Go and get it." Surrounded by the curious people, Viraghosa found the dish just as described at his (Acchandaka's) house and returned.
Again Siddhartha said to the excited villagers: Listen again. Is there a householder, Indraśarman, here?" The people replied, "There is.". Indraśarman presented himself before him, his hands extended, saying, "I am he. Give your orders." Siddhartha said, "Sir, did a goat of yours disappear in the past?" Astonished, Indraśarman said, That is true. Siddhartha said: "It was killed and eaten by the ascetic. Moreover, its bones are in the ash-heap to the right of the jujube tree." Out of curiosity the people went and looked for its bones. Saying, "They are here," they returned to that place.
Siddhartha said again: I will not tell it."
There is a third act of his, but let it go. "Please tell us everything," the villagers said to him again and again. Should a pleasing story be half-told?" Siddhartha replied: "Nevertheless, I am not going to tell it. If you are curious, go to his house and ask his wife." The people went to his house. He had beaten his wife that day and she, angry and tearful, thought: "It was a good thing that his fingers were cut off and that he is despised by all the people. If the people come here now, I shall make public all his misconduct, so that the wretch will experience the fruit of beating me." Then the villagers came and asked her about his conduct. She said: Who would even speak the name of the scoundrel? For he enjoys sexual pleasure with his own sister, alas! A caṇḍāla in behaviour, he does not desire me at all."
Jain Education International
Hearing this, the villagers made an outcry and each went to his own house, denouncing Acchandaka. Reviled on every side," Scoundrel! Scoundrel!" the miserable mendicant received no alms any place. Alas for the man who has fallen from high estate ! Secretly the wretched man went to
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