MAHĀVĪRA'S FIRST SIX YEARS AS AN ASCETIC 49. “Sūlapāņi, basest of gods, seeker of the unsought (death), what is this you have done, sir? Do you not know the blessed
Tīrthakara, King Siddhārtha's son, entitled to be worshipped by three worlds, evil-souled one? If Sakra, devoted to the Master, knew your conduct today, you would be reduced to powder by the edge of his thunderbolt.”
Salapāņi, filled with terror and remorse, again asked the Lord's pardon. There was no other expedient at that time. When he had become calm, Siddhārtha said to him, compassionately:
“Alas! You are ignorant of truth. Hear the truth just as it is: 'Discernment that the Tirthankara is god; discernment that sādhus are gurus; discernment that dharma is the dharma taught by the Jina. '80 Make this your own. Henceforth, do not cause pain to living creatures like yourself, sir ! You should repent privately and you should repent before your guru all your past evil deeds.81 A creature attains a painful fruition for a crore of crores times of a violent act committed even once, alas !"
When Salapāņi had heard this, remembering the destruction of many creatures that he had caused, he blamed himself again and again, penetrated by remorse. Possessing right-belief, afraid of existence, after worshipping the Lord's feet, he began a concert, water for washing away the impurity of sin. The villagers heard the sound of his song and thought, “I think the god now amuses himself, after destroying the devārya."
The Lord's ten visions (147-169)
As the Lord had been tormented for nearly twelve hours, he fell asleep from weariness, and saw ten visions: a tall piśāca, increasing in size, who was destroyed by himself; two cuckoos, white and spotted, worshipping in his vicinity; two wreaths with
80 141. See Yog. 2.2. and com. p. 57a.
81 142. I translate v nind and vgarh from Uttar. 29.6-7; SBE 45, pp. 158 and 163,
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