"Henceforth I, devoid of merit, desiring birth, am not able to bear the attributes of mendicancy which are burdens equal to Meru, hard to bear. Shall I abandon the vow? I would certainly be disgraced before the world, if I abandon it. Rather I shall take this means to keep the vow from being a burden. These blessed ascetics are always free from the three hurtful acts (tridanda).10 The triple staff (tridaṇḍin) shall be a token of me who have been subdued by the hurtful acts. These are bald from pulling out their hair, but I shall have a tuft of hair (śikhin), bald by means of a razor. These observe the great vows; I shall observe the lesser vows.11 These munis have no possessions; I shall have a ring, et cetera. They are free from delusion; I, covered with delusion, shall have an umbrella. These sages walk without shoes; I shall have shoes as a means of protection for my feet. They have a good odor from their conduct; I have an evil odor from my conduct. To obtain a good odor, I shall have a tilaka, et cetera of sandal. These sages, free from passions, (kaṣāya), have old white garments; I, having passions, shall have reddish garments (kāṣāya). They give up the use of water which causes the destruction of many lives; I shall bathe and drink a moderate amount of water."
Thus calculating in his mind for the sake of contriving an outfit, cowardly before austerities, Marici undertook mendicancy. All the people who saw him with this garb questioned him about dharma and he taught them the sadhudharma as taught by the Jina. Again asked by the people, Why do you yourself not practice it?" he said, "I am not able to bear the weight of Meru. However, he sent the bhavyas12 who were present, after they had been enlightened by instruction in dharma, to the Master, son of Nabhi (Rṣabha), as disciples.
10 36. Of mind, body, and speech.
11 37. The lesser vows are the same as the great vows, but in lesser degree. They are the vows for laymen.
12 46. Souls capable of emancipation.
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