Kuṇḍagolika, resident of Kampilya, lay-disciple of Vira, 211.
Kūņika, enemy of his father before birth, 157; exposed by Celana, 157; rescued by Śrenika devoted to him, 157; chosen as his successor, 313; usurps throne and imprisons Śrenika, 313; very devoted to his son, 315; usually credited with Śrenika's murder, n. 244; founds Campã, 317 f.; demands surrender of Halla and Vihalla, 319; then of their jewels, 319; begins war, 320; helped by Sakra and Camara, 322, 324; takes Vaiśāli, 330; tries to be cakravartin, killed by Kṛtamāla, 332.
kunthu (small insect), origin of, 351.
lac-lamp, 360.
ladders of karma, 124, n. 137.
Lantikapity, resident of Śravasti, lay-disciple of Vira, 213.
lavali ( a creeper), 38, n. 72.
Lavasattamas, 128, n. 140.
leaf of the tree, lecture, 246, n. 192.
leprosy, caused by vomiting food, 235; by eating leprous animal, 236; cured by drinking water, 236.
lesson, principal, 349, n. 265; lessons, fifty-five, on results of merit and sin, 349. Lohajangha, messenger, attempt to poison, 274 f.
love, five kinds of, 18. n. 31.
laymen, Vira's chief ten, 206-213; their wealth enumerated, 208 ff.
luster of gods dimmed at end of life as god, 24; not of future Tirthankaras, 24; 232.
Magadhika, courtesan assists Kūņika, 326-329. Mahabala, 361.
mahänimitta (science of omens ), 48, n. 79.
Mahāpadma, future birth of Gośāla, 223.
Mahāsāla, prince of Prsthacampa, 240; omniscient, 240.
Mahāśataka, a resident of Rajagṛha, a lay-disciple of Vira, 212.
Mahavira, conception of, in Brahman family, 25; exchange of Devananda's and Trisali's embryos, 26; birth of, 28; birth-bath of, 28 f.; childhood play, 32 f.; teaches grammar, 34; marriage of, 34 ff.; initiation of, 36 ff.; gift of half of garment, 40; attacks on (upasargas) 41-122; omniscience of, 124; founding of congregation, 136; iilness from Gośala's hot flash, 227; congregation of, 333; emancipation of, detailed description of, 350; exact time of, 351; funeral held by Sakra, 351 f.; age of, 352. Manava, n. of pillars in heavenly palaces, 352. mangoes, charm for taking, 171; Śreņika learns, 174. Mankhali, father of Gosala, 64.
Mankhas, sect to which Mankhali belonged, 64.
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