cakrins. future, 347.
Camara, attack by Indra, on Vira, 105-111; helps Kunika, 322, 324.
Campā, Kūņika's city, founding of, 317; 363.
Candakausika and the frog, story of, 54 ff.; birth as serpent, 56 ff.; attacks Mahāvīra, 59; killed by ants, 58.
caṇḍāla (an outcaste), 53.
Candana, story of, 114-119; gives alms for Vira's fastbreaking, 117. Candapradyota, k. of Avanti, seeks to take Mrgavati, 201; tricked by Mrgavati,
202 f.; his army routed by Abhaya, 271; captures Abhaya by trick, 274; captured by Abhaya, 281 f.; takes Devadatta and image to Avanti, 300; fights Udayana, defeated, branded on forehead, 302; released, 303 f. Candavega, a messenger, 10 ff.
Capparis Aphylla, n. 144.
car, description of aerial, made of water, 253. carefulness, five kinds of, 3, n. 6, 18.
categorics, five, 18, n. 32.
Caturmukha = Kalkin.
causes of binding karma, two, 17, n. 22.
Cavala, Dakṣina and Uttara, hamlets, 54.
Celana, daughter of Cetaka, 150; abduction, of, 154; pregnancy-whim of, 156; exposes Kūnika as infant, 157, f.; Śreņika's suspicions of, 168 ff.; building of one-pillared palace for, 170 f.; keeps Śreņika alive, 314.
Cetaka, k. of Vaiśālī, names and husbands of daughters of, 150; refuses to sur
render Halla and Vihalla or their jewels, 319; attaked by Kūnika, 319; has divine arrow, 321; defeated, 330; tries to commit suicide, fails, 330; dies,
characteristics, divine, See powers.
chastity, nine controls of, 18, n. 37.
cheetah, n. 129.
circle, twelvefold royal, 283, n. 215.
cloth on back, polite sign of victory by wife, 178.
coarse, definition of, n. 46.
concert, description of, 97 ff.
congregation, founding of, 136.
contest between Abhaya and Pradyota, 270-275.
countries, names of sixteen, 219 f.
Culanipity, resident of Käsi, lay-disciple of Vira, 209.
Cullaśatika, resident of Alabhikā, lay-disciple of Vira, 211.
curds, prescribed as medicine, 306.
Jain Education International
Daraka, a painter, 198; unique skill in painting, 199; paints Mrgavati, Śatānika's wife, 200; king has his fingers cut off, 200; seeks revenge, 201.
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