INTRODUCTION Second edition with Glossary in English, 1938.
After Kumārapāla had mentioned these works, he asked Hemacandra to write the biographies of the sixty-three illustrious persons (of Jainism) for the enlightenment of persons like himself. This request resulted in the Trișașțisalākāpuruşacaritra. It was published by the Prasāraka Sabhā, Bhavanagar, 1905-09. This edition has long been out of print and a new edition is being published by the Atmānanda Sabhā, Bhavnagar. Parvan 1, 1936; Parvan 2-4, 1950; Parvan 7, 1961, have appeared. Translation into English, GOS, 51, 77, 108, 125, 139, 140.
Pariśiştaparvan, or Sthāvirāvali, The Lives of the Patriarchs, is a continuation of the Trişaşți. It was published by the Prasāraka Sabhā, Bhavnagar, 1912; and, edited by H. Jacobi, in the Bibliotheca Indica, second edition, Calcutta, 1932. Extracts were translated into German by Hertel, Ausgewählte Erzählungen aus Hemacandras Parishishtaparvan. Leipzig, 1908.'
Hemacandra says nothing in the Praśasti about his works on logic or his devotional works.
The Pramānamimāňsa is a work on logic, published by Motilal Ladhaji, Poona, 1925.
Dvātrinsaddvātrinsikā, a devotional hymn in two parts. The first part is called Ayogavyavacchedadvātrinsikā. The second part is called Anyayogavyavacchedakadvātrinsikā. It has a commentary by Mallişeņasūri called Syādvādamañjari. This is very well-known and is often taken to be the original text. Each of these two hymns is also called Mahavirastotra. Both are published in the Kāvyamālā, Part VII. The second with the Syādvādamañjari was published by Motilal Ladhaji, Poona, 1926.
Vitarāgastotra is another hymn to Mahāvīra, consisting of 20 short hymns. It contains an exposition of Jainism. Published with avacūrņi, viveka, and Gujarāti translation by DLF, no. 95. Second edition, Surat, 1949.
The Laghyarhannitiśāstra, published in Ahmedabad, 1908,
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