CHAPTER ELEVEN the festival, and put on him a fillet that covered the mark on his forehead. From that time a fillet indicated the power of kings. Formerly they wore a crown as a head-dress.233 King Udāyana gave the territory Avanti to Pradyota and, the rainy season having passed, he himself went to Vitabhaya. The merchants remained just so in the camp and the city inhabited by them alone became known as Daśapura.234
Pradyota, purified in mind, gave a grant to Daśapura to the image of Vitabhaya (the duplicate) and went to the city Avanti. One day when he had gone to Vidiśā, he gave the name of Bhāyala Svāmin235 to the divine city. What was told by Dharana was not false. The king gave a grant to twelve thousand villages to the statue made by Vidyunmālin.
Just then the god Prabhāvati came and with affection enlightened King Udāyana, who was at Vitabhaya. "This new image of Jivantasvāmin236 which is here, king, is a special object of veneration because of unusual power. For that statue was consecrated by the Brāhman sage, omniscient Kapila, a Svetāmbara mahātma, king. This image must also be worshipped by you like the original. And you must attain complete self-control which bears great fruit.' Udāyana assented entirely to this speech of hers. The god, a cloud to the kandali237 of his mind, disappeared.
Then one day King Udāyana, devoted to dharma and staying in the fasting-house, took a vow to fast for a fortnight. During a watch in the night, as he was engaged in pure meditation, such an apprehension took place, a full brother of discernment. "The cities and villages purified by Sri Vīra are blessed; the kings and others who heard religion
233 601. Pattabandha is a fillet around the forehead and hair; kirîța, crown,' covers the whole head.
234 603. Identified with modern Mandasor. 235 605. The present Bhilsā. 236 608. I. e. the statue was made of Mahāvīra while he was living.
237 611. The kandali is a plant with white flowers that blossoms suddenly and plentifully in the rainy season, MW.
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