STORIES OF THE PLOUGHMAN AND OTHERS 241 not become manifest? Shall I not reach emancipation in this birth?” He recalled the gods saying, “It was said by the Arhat, “Whoever lives for a night on Aștāpada, after bowing to the Jinas, will be emancipated in the same birth.'” At that time with confidence in the gods' words Muni Gautama wished to go to Aştāpada to pay homage to the Tirthaksts. Knowing his wish and that enlightenment from penance was near, the Arhat gave Gautama orders for homage to the Arhats. Delighted by the Master's command that was in accordance with his own wish, Muni Gautama went to Aștāpada in a moment by supernatural (power of) flying, 187 like the wind.
Now, when they heard that Aștāpada was a means of emancipation, ascetics Kauņdinya, Datta, and Sevāla went to climb it. The first, always observing fasts of one day and breaking the fasts by green bulbs, et cetera, reached the first terrace with five hundred ascetics. The second, obserying fasts of two days and breaking the fasts by dry bulbs, et cetera, reached the second terrace with five hundred ascetics. The third, observing fasts of three days and breaking the fasts with dry duck-weeds, reached the third terrace with five hundred disciples.
Unable to climb higher, as they stood looking up, they saw Gautama, shining like gold, whose body was fat. They said to each other: “We are not able to climb this mountain, though we are thin. How will he, fat, climb it?” While they were saying this, Gautama climbed the mountain and became invisible instantly like a god. They said to each other: “ This is some magic power of the great sādhu. If he comes, we shall become his disciples.” With this determination, the ascetics eagerly watched for him returning, like a brother, experiencing great longing.
Gautama went to the shrine which Lord Bharata had ordered to be made, which resembled the shrines on
.: 187 184. For the labdhis described in detail, see, I, pp. 75 ff. 31 M
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