CHAPTER FOUR hair, with the sky full of a mass of flames issuing from his welllike mouth, with the sun obscured by the expanse of his broad chest, with the planets, constellations, and stars breaking from the movement of his long arms, terrible from the hissing of a serpent attached to his navel, creating astonishment by his knees touching mountain-peaks, with the earth depressed by his footsteps, blind with arrogance, he leaped up against the lord of Saudharma.
Splitting open the whole universe, as it were, by loud roars, terrifying the Vyantaras, terrible like another Yama, frightening very much the Jyotişkas like a lion deer, passing by the Sun and Moon, he reached Sakra's region in a moment. The Kilbişikas fled, the Abhiyogikas trembled, and even the generals and their soldiers ran away at once. The Dikpālas, Soma, Vaiśravaņa, and the others, fled from this terrifying huge body, rushing forward with speed. Unchecked by bodyguards, unhindered by even a doorkeeper, observed by the Trāyastrinšas who were confused, saying, “ What is this?” seen by the Sāmānikas with anger and astonishment, he set one foot on the lotus-terrace128 and the other in Sudharmā.
After striking the bolt (of the door) three times with the club, very excited, frowning heavily, he said to Sakra:“ Why do you sit above me, with a multitude of many kinds of gods that are like weaklings in strength, Biļaujas? Now I am going to make you fall beneath me. You have been here too long uselessly, like a crow on a mountain-top. Do you not know me, Asura Camara, master of Camaracañcā, whose strength is insuperable by every one?”
Indra, who had never heard before such a harsh speech, smiled, and was astonished, like a lion at the challenge of a hunter. Knowing Camara by clairvoyance, saying, “ Villain, run !” Sakra raised the thunderbolt hard to look at, as well as a frown. He discharged the thunderbolt that was like the essence of the fire at the end of the world, like a mass of
128 422. See K., p. 214.
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