ABBRÉVIATIONS GOS=Gaekwad's Oriental Series. Guj. =Gujarāti. Guņa. =Guņasthānakrámāroha. H=Hindi. Haim. =Haimaśabdānušāsana. Hindu Holidays =Hindu Holidays and Ceremonials. H. I. =Elements of Hindu Iconography. H. of J. =The Heart of Jainism. HOS=Harvard Oriental Series. H. P. = Fallon's Hindustāni Proverbs. IHQ=Indian Historical Quarterly. IS =Indische Sprüche. Jamb. = Jambūdvipaprajñapti. JAOS=Journal of the American Oriental Society. JBBRAS = Journal of the Bombay Branch of the Royal
Asiatic Society. J. G.=The Jaina Gazette. J. G. D. - Jaina Gem Dictionary. Jiv. = Jivājivābhigama. Jñātā. = Jñātādharmakathā. JOI = Journal of the Oriental Institute. Baroda, India. K. =Die Kosmographie der Inder. Kirfel=do. Kan. =The Study of Jainism. Kävyā=Kāvyānuśāsana by Hemcandra. Kävyā. V. Kávyānuśāsana by Vägbhațţa. KG=Karma Granthas. Km=Kāvyamīmāṁsā. KS=Kalpasūtra. KSK =Kalpasūtra, with Kiranavali com. LAI=Life in Ancient India as depicted in the Jain Canons. Lp.=Lokaprakāśa. M=Maräthi.. Martin =The Gods of India. M. C.=Marāțhi-English Dictionary. MDJG=Manikchand Digambara Jaina Granthamālā.
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