Kumbhakarna (brother of Rāvana), 117; acquires vidyās, 119 ff.; marriage
of, 124; in battle, 280 ff.; initiation of, 299. Kunthu, T. and C., previous births of, I f.; parents of, 2; birth of, 3;
sign of, 3; color of, 3; conquest of Bharata by, 4; initiation of, 5 f.; omniscience of, 6; śāsanadevatās of, 9; congregation of, 9; emanci
pation of, 10; age of, 10; interval, 10. kunthu, heap of jewels, 4. kūtatāna (musical term), 23, n. 20.
Labdhis (magic powers), not to be used, 98; may be used, 99. lac, a hundred thousand, 53, et passim. Lakşmaņa, V., birth of, 194; takes part in bow-contest, 204; follows
Rāma to forest, 213 ff.; lifts Kotisilā, 259; receives weapons from gods, 283; wounded by Rāvaņa, 286; cure of, 289 ff.; consecration as Vāsudeva, 307; household of, 313; 250 sons of, 313; previous births of, 336 ff.; death of, 343; Rāma's grief, 344; age of, 347;
future births of, 350; his life in hell, 351 f. Lankā, capital of Raksodvipa, 107, et passim; founded by Ghanavāhana,
107; ruled by Sukeśa, III; ruled by enemy, Nirghāta, 112; recovered by Mālin, 1I3; ruled by enemy, Vaiśramana, 115; recovered by
Rāvaņa, 126; given to Bibhīşaņa, 275, 300. lavali (Artobotrys), 6. Lavaņa = Anangalavana, 322, et passim. lion's-roar, false, 243. lodh (Symplocos racemosa), 15. Lokāntikas (gods), 5, 14, 66, 81, 356. lokapāla (guardian of a quarter of the world), 38. love, sermon on, 16 f.
Madanānkušason of Rāma and Sitā, 321 ff.; goes to fight Rāma, 325;
meets Rāma, 326 ff.; previous births of, 340; initiation and emanci
pation of, 344. Madhu, mt., 113. Madhu, prince of Mathurā, 152 ff. Madyāngas (wishing-trees), 189, n. 145. Māgadha, tirtha, 4, 362, 363, 366. magic art, 44; forgotten, 44. magic powers, 99. Mahābala (previous birth of Malli), 52; six childhood-friends of, 52;
initiation of, 53; deceit of, 53. Mahākāla (depraved Asura), story of, 147 ff. Mahālocana (Iord of Garudas), 230, 283.
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