remarriage in five calamities, 88, n. 122. Revanta, 233. Revati, Ananta's constellation, 112, 114, 124, 133 (Pauşpa). Ripupratiśatru, king, 13 ff. rodhra (Symplocos racemosa), 138. Rohana, mt. of jewels, 172, 279. Rşabha, n. 314. Rudra, K., father of Bhadra and Svayambhū, 99 ff.
Safflower, for sati, 143. sāgara = sāgaropama, 60, et passim. sāgaropama (period of time), 230. sahakāra (Mangifera indica), 176. Sahasrākṣa (Sakra), 188, et passim. Sahasrāmravaņa, 54, 96, 104, 114, 124, 317. Sahasrāyudha, 261 ff., 273, 274. Saivas, 94. Saivites, n. 89. Sakhībhāva, n. 128. Śakra, made fivefold, 6, 67, 303. Sakra-pillar, 168. Salilāvati, province, 205. Sāmānika (gods), 33, n. 44, 166. Samavartin (Yama), 179. samavasaraņa (preaching-hall), description of, 55, f.; erection of, 84, 105,
124, f., 148; of Rşabba, 222; of Sānti, 318 f. Samiranakumāra (= Vāyukumāra), 35. Samudradatta, previous birth of Puruşottama, 115 ff. Samudravijaya, father of C. Maghavan, 163. Saṁvartaka, plough of Balabhadra, 44. Sanatkumāra, C., parents of, 172; birth of, 172; carried away by horse,
173; search for him, 174 ff.; meeting with Mahendrasinha, 178; adventures of, 179 ff.; marriages of, 182 ff., 187; return home, 187; coronation as C.. 188 ff.: description of. 191; loss of beauty of, 192; magic
powers of, 194, n. 257; diseases of, 193; age of, 195; death of, 195. sandal, 142. sandal-paste, 216. sandal-water, 257. Sarigama, a god, 190. Śarkhapura, 326. śānti, T. in past cycle, 251, n. 309. śāntimati, story of, 265 ff.
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