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Eine jainistische Bearbeitung der Sagara-Sage. Dissertation by Richard Fick. Kiel 1888.
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Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics. Hastings. New
York 1908-26.
Epitome of Jainism, Nahar and Ghosh.
Essai de Bibliographie Jaina, Guérinot. Guimet. Paris 1906.
Essays and Lectures on the Religion of the Hindus, H. H. Wilson. Vol. I. London 1861.
Fact Digest. August, 1940. Published at Emaus, Pa. First Principles of Jain Philosophy, H. Jhaveri. Benares 1918.
Flora of British India, Hooker. 7 vols. London 1875-97. Flora of the Presidency of Bombay, Cooke. 2 vols. 1903-08.
Flora Indica, Roxburgh. Thacker, Spink and Co. Calcutta 1874.
The Folklore of Bombay, Enthoven. Oxford 1924.
Folk Lore Notes. Vol. I Gujarat; Vol. II Konkan, EnthoBritish India Press. Bombay 1914.
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Calcutta 1917. Annales du Musée