Kausika=Sakra, q.v. Keśava, friend of Jivānanda, 66. Ketu, 11. 136, 277, 11. 333. Khandaprapātā, cave, 173; march through, 251 f. Khecaras (class of gods), 237, 254, 256, 333. Kilbişikas, class of gods, 49, 399. kings, circle of, 162, n. 208; self-initiated, 168, n. 215. Kinnaras, gods, 333, 334, 383. Kirātas, resist Bharata, 237 ff.; make submission, 244; subjects of
Bāhubali, 286. Kirtivīrya, 345. knowledge, gift of, 19; 3 kinds possessed at birth by T., 109, n. 146.
See right-knowledge. Krşpa, V. q.v. Kệtamāla, god, 229 ff. Kệtānta (Death), 108. Kșanikavāda, exposition of, 40; refutation of, 40-41. Ksatriyas, the people, 155 Kșīravara, continent and ocean, 395, 398. Kșitipratişthita, city in West Videha, 7. Kșudrahimavat, Mt., 245; conquered by Bharata, 245 f. Kșudrameru (small Meru) 391. Kubera, god of wealth, n. 162; supplies treasures, 129 f., 152, 162;
builds Vinitā, 149. Kunļala, continent and ocean, 397. Kunthu, T. and C. q.v. Kurucandra, King, story of, 43. Kurumati, Queen, 43.
Lac, 148, n. 190. ladder (śreņi), 204, n. 261, 431. Lalitānga, incarnation of Rşabha, 47 ff. lamps, burning of, 365, n. 401. Lankeśa, P. q.v. lāsya (a kind of dance for women), 125, 333. Lavaņoda, description of, 389 ff. law, beginning of, 97;.
-, the Hākāra, 97, 148. - the Mākāra, 98, 148. - the Dhikkāra, 99, 148. leprosy, cure of, 67 ff.; 76. liberality (dāna), exposition of, 19. lives (jīva), divisions of, 19 ff., n. 29; 437 f.; immovable, 19 ff.;
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