to four, or five senses, have respectively four, five, or six faculties. 30 The immovable jivas having one sense are: earth, water, fire, air, and plants. The first four of these may be either fine (sükṣma) or gross (bādara)."1 Plants are of two kinds: those that have one soul in one body (pratyeka) and those that have many souls
mahiruh as sthavara, and tejas and vayu as trasa. But this inconsistency is explained by the fact that trasas are of two kinds : labdhitrasa and gati-trasa (Lp. 4. 27). Tejas and vayu are only labdhitrasa, i.e., they have the power of motion, but they can not have trasa-namakarma, which rises only in those jīvas with more than
one sense.
The division into sañjñin and asañjñin is on the basis of birth. Those that are garbhaja, born from the womb (which includes eggbirth), are sañjñin. Those that are sammurchin, produced by coagulation, like cells, are asañjñin (Lp. 6. 106 ff. T. 2. 34 ff). Nārakas and devas do not belong to either of these classes, but have a spontaneous origin called upapada. It is difficult to understand how they can be asañjñin; and it is curious that most of the sources treat at inordinate length one-sensed jivas and give compara. tively little space to the five-sensed, in most cases ignoring the question of whether narakas and devas are sañjñin or asañjñin, and whether they are paryāpta or aparyāpta. However, the Pra. (su. 315, p. 533) discusses the question, and I based my outline on it. Nārakas are asañjñin, if they originate from asañjñin, i.e., if they were asañjñin in their last birth. Malayagiri, who also wrote the com. to the Pra., says in his commentary to the Jiv. (32, p. 35a) that they are born only in Ratnaprabha, which is the first hell. The Bhavanapatis and Vyantaras may be either sañjñin or asañjñin on the same principle as the nārakas.
It requires an antarmuhurta for the paryāptis to develop. If a jiva dies before they are developed, it is classed as aparyāpta. Each jiva has to complete āhāra-, śarīra-, and indriya-paryapti. These three are necessary for determining ayurbandha for the next birth, and it cannot die before that is done. Lp. 3. 32.
30 160. But the five-sensed creatures without intelligence (asañjñin) are considered to have only 5 paryaptis, as mind is lacking; or only a little mind-substance is present. Lp. 6. 109 ff. For further discussion of the paryaptis see KG I. 48, p. 46.
81 161. Bādara is when something can be grasped by any of the senses. E.g., air can not be seen, but can be felt.
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