392 other side of it. For that reason it is named Mānuşottara.' Beyond it there is no coarse fire, no clouds, lightning, rivers, time, etc.
The people in the Manuşyaloka (661–683) In these 35 zones on this side of Mānuşottara and in the Antaradvipas, men arise by birth; on the mountains, Meru, etc., by kidnapping and power of learning, in the 2} continents and in 2 oceans.
They are called Bhāratakas, Jambūdvipyas, Lāvaņakas, etc., from divisions with reference to zones, continents, and oceans. From the division into Aryas and Mlecchas they are two-fold. The Āryas have sub-divisions : kşetra (country), jāti (caste), kula (family), karma (work), śilpa (craft), and bhāsā (language). The kşetrāryas are born in the 15 karmabhumis.486 Here in Bharata they have 251 places of origin. The Arya-countries, distinguishable by cities, are as follows: 1. Magadhas
.. Rājagļha. 2. Angadeśa
.. Campā. 3. Vargas
Tāmralipti. 4. Kāsis
Vārāṇasi. 5. Kalingas
Kāñcanapuri. 6. Kosalas
Sāketa. 7. Kurus
Gajapura. 8. Kuśārtakas
Saurya. 9. Pañcālas
Kāmpilya. 10. Jangalas
Ahicchatra. II. Videhas
Mithilā. 12. Surāştrakas
Dvāravati. 13. Vatsas
Kauśāmbipuri. 14. Malayas
Bhadrila. 480 665. There are 15 of these ; 5 Bharatas, 5 Airāvatas, and 5 Videhas. A karmabhumi is where the inhabitants must earn their living by ploughing, trade, etc. Uttar. B. com. to 36. 194. Another interpretation is that they are able to attain any state after death as a result of their karma. K. p. 227.
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