of the people, and by as many dramatic companies each with thirty-two actors, the King entered the palace which presented a festival to the eyes with its rows of jeweled slabs, like the Yakşa-king (Kubera) entering Kailāsa. The King sat facing the east on the lion-throne for a moment, conversing a little, and then went to the bath-house. After bathing with his retinue like an elephant in a pool, the King ate delicious food. He passed some time by plays showing the nine emotions 818 and charming concerts, like a Yogi by mental exercises.
Coronation as Cakravartin (669-706) Gods and men announced to him with devotion : “You have conquered the six-part country (Bharata) together with the King of the Vidyādharas. Therefore permit us, O you who have the strength of Indra, to make at will your coronation as over-lord.” Authorized by the King who said "Very well," the gods built a pavilion that was like a piece of Sudharmā, outside the city in the northeast direction. From pools, rivers, oceans, and tirthas, they brought water, herbs, and clay. Going to the pausadha-house, the King undertook a four days' fast. Sovereignty though attained by penance prospers
7. Mālākāra, gardener. 8. Kacchakara (kaksakāra), rope-maker ? 9. Tambolia (tāmbülika), pān-maker.
Cammayaru (carmakara), leather-worker. Jantapılaga (yantrapīdaka), presser of grain, Gañchia (desi=varuda), cane-splitter. Deśi. H. 2. 84.
Chimpāya (deši), cloth-printer. Deśi. H. 1. 98. 5. Kansakāra (kāńsyakāra), brassworker. 6. Sivaga (sīvaka), sewer.
Guāra? Perhaps gopāla, cow-herd. Bhilla, (I do not understand why bhillas should figure as
a guild). 9. Dhivara, fisherman. 816 668. See MW sub rasa. Vätsalya is omitted when 9 are counted.
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