(former) births, the Master said, "A king will be the punisher of those transgressing boundaries. Seated on a very high throne, consecrated first, having at hand the fourfold army, he should have unbroken commands." They said, "Be our king. Why do you neglect us? one else like you is seen among us.' "Go and ask Nabhi, the best of Kulakaras. He will give you a king," the son of Nabhi replied. Asked by them for a king, Nabhi, chief of Kulakaras, said to them, "Let Rṣabha be your king." Then the twins, delighted, approached the Lord, and said, "You have been given to us as a king by Nabhi."
Then the twins went for water for the Master's consecration; and the lion-throne of Triviṣṭapapati shook. Knowing by clairvoyant knowledge that it was time for the Lord's consecration as king, Sutraman went there in a moment, as if from house to house. The Lord of Saudharmakalpa made a golden dais, and placed on it a lion-throne like Atipāṇḍukambalā. The Lord of the east quarter, like a family-priest, made Rṣabha Svamin's consecration as king with water brought from the tirthas. Vasava clothed the Master in divine clothing made of beautiful moonlight with a wealth of white color, as it were. Vṛtrahan put diadems, etc., on the Lord, the diadem of the three worlds, and ornaments and jewels on his body in the proper places. The twins, after getting water with lotus-leaves, came and, seeing the Lord adorned, stood like people holding up a reception-gift. Saying, "It is not proper to throw it on the Lord's head since he is adorned with divine ornaments and clothes," they threw the water on his feet. "These are truly polite," and for that reason Maghavan ordered Śrida to lay out a city, named Vinītā, for the Lord, and went to heaven.
Description of Vinītā (912-923)
He (Kubera) made the city Vinita, also called Ayodhyā, twelve yojanas long and nine wide. After laying it out, the Yaksa-king, free from deceit, filled it unceasingly
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