confident and know why you believe or don't believe in something - - not just with alcohol but with everything in life. Sometimes, people may feel like you're judging them because they are not used to bumping into someone who doesn't drink. Never make them feel like you are judging them, and you can even add in, "Yes, it's a personal choice, but I judge no one and still have fun when I go out, etc." Moral of the story: Whatever your reasons are, know why and verbalize it if you want.
Saying it out loud will help you to know your reasons and stick to them. But again, the choice is yours! And whether you're at a party with lots of people or if you're just with one other person, if you have a drink, even just a coke, keep your eye on it at all times- I have known people who became victims of date rape whether they were by themselves or with groups of people. Try to always be with someone you trust.
When it comes to networking and work life, I have never had any problems with regards to my choice to not drink. However, I have not been in any other world but healthcare, which is a much milder and accepting atmosphere when it comes to social pressures. I have seen some very successful Jain entrepreneurs, businessmen, and lawyers who don't drink. But you may not need to worry about this until you are much older. By then, you may have figured out how to handle these types of pressures well. I personally believe if you need to change your morals to fit in with your boss, you need to look at the big picture and decide if it's worth it or not.