the only one. Love everyone regardless of their choices! There are choices you make that others may disagree with it. Just because someone drinks or does drugs does not make them a bad person. Just because you do not drink or do drugs does not make you morally superior and just because someone does, does not make that person morally inferior. I actually feel like some of my closest friends are better people than me even though they drink sometimes. In the same way, your choice to do these things or not will not make you a better or worse person either. I say this to help you avoid any internal conflict you may feel as you move into this new phase of your life. Everyone was raised differently, and alcohol is actually an important part of some cultures. By respecting the way everyone was raised, including yourself, you can alleviate a lot of stress. You will be able to communicate with others with the least amount of judgment - of classmates, friends, family, and yourself. In college, I was open about avoiding alcohol, animal products, and root vegetables, and, although it sounded crazy to some people, people always respected me for sticking to my beliefs, As | worked on judging no one through Anekäntaväda, I hoped people would do the same for me. This is something to keep in mind all of your life, but it definitely helps when you go to college. What really helped me, especially at parties or around those who had habits different from mine, was deciding to have a good time and not to be judgmental. And what was really cool was that when I accepted others for their differences, they accepted me back. We formed really strong connections and bonds through the understanding of our differences. It really wasn't easy at first, and it took a lot of time to get in the right mindset, but you will get there. Have patience with it while others get to know you for who you are. So, why don't I drink (or do drugs)? Under-age drinking is illegal. And, even being in the presence of under-age drinking or possessing a Fake I.D. can lead to some trouble with the law, depending on where you live.
1. I don't think it's necessary to "conform," just to "fit in." |
have been able to make friends with drinkers and nondrinkers throughout my entire college career and