Write Out Your Routine It's very important to manage your time well and develop a routine. Have an idea of what you might do that day, and try to stick to it. This routine might include things like: classes to go to, homework you want to finish, chores you want to accomplish, people you may want to hang out with. Perhaps you can schedule a date with your roommate to clean the dorm, the bathroom, or whatever needs to be done. This way, you have two people pushing you to get it done. Sometimes, making "to-do" lists helps. Some people have planners, but not everyone likes this idea. Some people are planners, others are not, but staying organized goes a long way. Prioritize what are the most important things for you, and focus on those first. If it helps, make quick to-do lists. It's important to live in the present and enjoy it to its fullest, but always have an idea of the "big picture," and what your goals are.
Schedule in Health Make time to eat healthy, exercise, and relax. It will not cause you to gain the “Freshmen 15," and it will also allow you to feel like you're doing something for yourself. Exercising also helps you stay happier, healthier, and more focused (helps with concentration, too). You'll like the way you look and feel. One of the biggest things for me that allowed me to be more productive and happier