04 - Roommates and Dorm Life
If you are moving away from home for college, it can be difficult to deal with those changes, especially if this is the first time you've been away from home.
One way to relieve homesickness is to bring objects from home that remind you of what you're missing, like a family photo or a favorite souvenir from a vacation. It can also be helpful to stay connected with your home, by regularly calling family and friends to make the transition easier on everyone.
The five key things you will need to live well with others in a college dorm are: open communication, compromise, tolerance and understanding, respect, and patience. Not everyone has the maturity or personality to apply these qualities to their relationships, but if you can be conscious of this, it will be help you live more harmoniously with your roommate. Remember, it takes time to get to know someone well before you two can establish a great bond. Also realize that males and females handle their relationship differently. Additionally, there is not one correct way to live with and connect with your roommate.
Open Communication
Why is open communication important? For the same reason it's important you communicate well with your friends and family. Neither you nor your roommate is a mind reader. Unless you are straightforward (in a polite manner), how are you going to let your roommate know of your needs and concerns? It's important you are approachable so that your roommate is also comfortable reciprocating the straightforwardness. And, when you and your roommate understand each other through open and honest communication, it will also assist with your application of Anekäntaväda. When you live in such tight quarters with another person, it is easy to sense tension. So be honest, be open, be caring, and keep good intentions. If there's a problem, try to address it maturely. And when you appreciate something, let your roommate know! It is really encouraging and a positive reinforcement for a better lifestyle together.