learning about Jain philosophy from me. If someone is not openminded with you, then leave it at that -- move on and move forward. Keep the following in mind: People may respect you for your beliefs, but you also need to accept them for theirs and not be closed-minded or judgmental. Avoid stereotypes and prejudices. Ask questions about their beliefs and culture. Be inquisitive! When you say things, you need to say them in a way that doesn't sound like your way is the only right way, especially when it comes to your beliefs. Being balanced about my opinions is why I have been able to maintain many friendships even when my friends are different from me in quite a few ways.
Trusting People It is very important to trust others to develop deeper connections, but a word of warning: Some people have different motives and intentions. This is not to say that there aren't wonderful, amazing, sweet people out there. This is just to tell you to not be naïve like I was and end up getting hurt. This may be difficult to comprehend until you're actually in a situation like this, but perhaps you will remember what I am telling you if that situation does arise. Just be careful and don't believe everything you hear. For example, I knew someone who would make up stories of negative things that others said about me. They sounded very real. This person would make it sound like she was telling me these