Meeting people in college is much different from meeting people in high school. In college, it is the norm to be your own individual self without being judged. You can usually find people with a similar thinking pattern or beliefs -- especially in a large school. Even if you can't find this, it's usually accepted that you don't need to change for them and they don't need to change for you. It's all about maintaining your personality, staying true to yourself, and accepting others as they are. And, within this handbook, I will give you tips on how to do these things.
Keeping an Open Mind It's great to have friends to have fun with, and you should always love spending time with your friends. But, also try to become friends with people who make you better or people you can learn from. Yes, it is possible to find both! That is the best advice one of my old bosses ever gave to me.
My closest friends and I, no matter how different we are from each other when it comes to our habits, personalities, and career choices, have always had at least one thing in common - similar